Making Smart Decisions Easily!

Hey everyone! Have you ever wondered why making decisions can sometimes feel so tough? Well, I just watched this super interesting video on YouTube (you can check it out here), and guess what? It turns out there’s a whole science behind it! Let me break it down for you in a fun and easy way. 🤓

Why Do Judges and Breakfast Have Something in Common? 🍳⚖️

In 2011, some smart researchers decided to study judges. Yep, judges! They wanted to know how these judges decide if someone in prison should get parole. Now, you’d think they’d only look at the crime, the sentence, and how the person has been behaving, right? But guess what? The time of day played a HUGE role!

People who saw the judges in the morning were more likely to get parole than those in the afternoon, even if their situations were pretty much the same. Crazy, right? 🤯

Tired Brain = Impulsive Decisions

This happens because of something called decision fatigue. When we make decisions all day, our brain gets tired. Just like how you feel after a long day of school or playing sports. When our brains are tired, we tend to make quicker, less thought-out decisions. It’s like when you can’t decide what snack to have, so you just grab whatever’s closest.

Big Decisions vs. Small Decisions

Now, deciding what to have for breakfast is a small decision. You do it every day, and it’s not super important in the grand scheme of things. But what if you had to suddenly buy a new car because yours broke down? That’s a big, complicated decision with lots at stake, and you don’t make those decisions every day.

Making a big decision like this can use up a lot of your decision-making energy. So much so, that after making a decision like that, you might not want to make any other big decisions for a while.

Decision Fatigue in Daily Life

And it’s not just judges or car buyers who experience this. Think about doctors who make life-or-death decisions during long shifts, or even you, deciding what to wear or what homework to do first. All these decisions add up!

How to Beat Decision Fatigue

So, what can we do to fight this decision fatigue? Here are some cool tips:

  1. Make Fewer Decisions: Try to spread out your big decisions over several days.
  2. Pretend You’re Giving Advice: It’s easier to think about tough decisions if you pretend you’re advising a friend.
  3. Chill Out About the Small Stuff: Not every decision is a big deal. Save your energy for the really important ones!


Remember, it’s totally normal to feel tired after making a lot of decisions. But now that you know about decision fatigue, you can be smarter about how you make your choices. So next time you’re feeling overwhelmed with decisions, take a step back, breathe, and maybe tackle the small stuff first. Or better yet, take a break and watch a fun video – maybe even the one that inspired this post! 😉

That’s it for now! Stay smart and keep making those awesome decisions! 💡👍


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